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  • Alpha
  • Review pending by accessibility team

The Timeline.Item component is used to display items on a vertical timeline, connected by Timeline.Badge elements.

Default Color example

The default Timeline.Badge color is dark text on a light grey background.

Adding color to a Badge

To have color variants, use the bg prop on the Timeline.Badge. If an icon is being used, set the color prop of the child StyledOcticon if necessary.

Condensed items

Timeline has a condensed prop that will reduce the vertical padding and remove the background from the badge item. These are most commonly used in commits. To condense a single item, remove the top or bottom padding with the pt={0} or pb={0} prop.

Timeline Break

To create a visual break in the timeline, use Timeline.Break. This adds a horizontal bar across the timeline to show that something has disrupted it. Usually this happens when a close or merged event occurs.

Component props


clipSidebarBooleanHides the sidebar above the first Timeline.Item and below the last Timeline.Item.
sxSystemStyleObject{}Style to be applied to the component


condensedBooleanReduces vertical padding and removes background from an item's badge.
sxSystemStyleObject{}Style to be applied to the component


sxSystemStyleObject{}Style to be applied to the component


sxSystemStyleObject{}Style to be applied to the component


sxSystemStyleObject{}Style to be applied to the component